1 Thessalonians 1:7
7 And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia.
The Thessalonians didn't just try to 'copy' Paul and his teams' behavior in some legalistic
way. It was not a case of simply mirroring them or being clones - nor was it a performance; an act.
This was a heart thing that had taken root in the core of who they were as people. You can only fake 'genuineness' for so long! These people became models, patterns, examples ... walking, living, and breathing illustrations of transformed, refocused, retooled people. What a treat tribute duplication and multiplication of best practice, best living, and sound values are to good leadership!
And while it was accomplished one life at a time, this group of people ('you' is plural), together, as a collective, were models to others. One of the primary reasons why people are productive and contribute to the health of any organization, for longer, is because of the camaraderie and the sense of purpose and belonging and the collaborative experience engendered by leaders. Being clothed with humility is the height of fashion for a model-leader.
Give some thought to one direct report or to one colleague or peer who demonstrates best-practice camaraderie, or whose 'walk matches their talk' when it comes to teamwork and collaboration. Give thanks for them, pray for them to grow and improve and to continue to be a good example. Go to them today, this week, and tell them that you appreciate this aspect of their style, manner or behavior. Let them know you notice and admire them for it.
"Well-informed, right-intention-ed human effort is indispensable. Spiritual formation in Christ is not a passive process. Grace does not make us passive. Divine grace is God acting in our life to accomplish what we cannot do on our own."
(Dallas Willard)